Nobody wants to file for bankruptcy. It’s not an easy way out. It’s not a shortcut, a quick fix, or a simple solution.
It is a decision that requires a great deal of deliberation and, ultimately, effort. For most people, bankruptcy is a last resort.
If circumstances have caused you to consider bankruptcy, you are not alone. In fact, an average of almost 550,000 Americans file bankruptcy each year.
The Law Office of Richard H. Hughes has helped East Texans just like you file bankruptcy and regain financial stability.
Chapters 7 and 13 differ primarily in how you repay your debt. Depending on your personal situation, you may pay your debt back via a repayment plan. Your debt may also be completely dissolved.
Federal Law May Allow You To
About Chapter 7 Bankruptcy About Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
If you have additional questions about the bankruptcy process, contact Richard Hughes and schedule a consultation.
If you feel like you’re drowning in debt, reach for a life line. Call the Law Office of Richard H. Hughes.
Richard Hughes and his staff understand that filing for bankruptcy is a delicate matter, one that requires the utmost confidentiality and sensitivity. We have been treating clients with the dignity and respect they deserve for over 30 years.
During that time, we have built a reputation for helping people take control of their finances and regain their inner peace. The Office of Richard H. Hughes can do the same for you.
You’re feeling a great deal of pressure to get out from under the debt that is weighing you down. You might not know that bankruptcy may not be your only option. Debt consolidation could keep you from having to file bankruptcy.
Our team is available to assist you in finding the most suitable solution for your particular situation. We are committed to providing you with the support and guidance you need to make informed decisions about your finances.
Call the Law Office of Richard H. Hughes today to see if debt consolidation is right for you.
You can’t deal with the IRS alone. You need the experience and expertise of a reputable law firm. We can assist you in settling your IRS debt, potentially lowering the amount you’ll need to pay.
You’ve done everything you can to pay your bills and stay afloat. Life just keeps sucking you under every time you catch your breath. Let us help you with debt relief so you breathe easy again.
Even with insurance, a major accident or medical procedure can put you in debt. If you’ve got hospital bills you can’t pay, contact the Law Office of Richard H. Hughes for a consultation.
Credit cards or personal loans overwhelming you? In many cases, you can settle your debts for less than you currently owe. Richard Hughes can help you navigate that process.
Mortgage payments and interest rates are higher than ever, so foreclosures are on the rise. Let the Office of Richard H. Hughes fight to keep you and your family in your home.
It’s easy for a small amount of credit card debt to spiral out of control. If credit card debt is looming over you, let us help you try to settle with creditors and avoid bankruptcy.